Inscription 63196703
- id
- 469188fd3a91f359d89276037c29d6c5e45bc563f905736a6502cdad03e3b5e8i0
- metadata
- name
- NodeDogzz #3297
- description
- The first original 10k collection of NodeDogzz inscribedon bitcoin
- image
- ipfs://NewUriToReplace/3297.png
- dna
- cdf336e044f3e382f4d0a19a44175968d28803b1
- edition
- 3297
- date
- 1709266993718
- attributes
- trait_type
- Body
- value
- Beak
- trait_type
- Earings
- value
- Cross
- trait_type
- Eyes
- value
- Three
- trait_type
- Head
- value
- Terminate
- compiler
- NodeDogzz
- address
- bc1ptdfs5rnea7x95tj2mxt6yvu6466qdvyprefctr4s8j54wlsjlssqkjjhrl
- value
- 330
- sat
- 886259913786950
- sat name
- hondpipyozb
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 406 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- height
- 833033
- fee
- 19740
- reveal transaction
- 469188fd3a91f359d89276037c29d6c5e45bc563f905736a6502cdad03e3b5e8
- location
- 0165e3bf43070fc097dc16ea2f472c924c129e7fecd8e68b084e559f5e9833b4:30:0
- output
- 0165e3bf43070fc097dc16ea2f472c924c129e7fecd8e68b084e559f5e9833b4:30
- offset
- 0
- details
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xF58cC4615E6565413E45E1f61cFB80EFF7C33B29